Sunday, 1 January 2012

And There Goes Another....

2011 saw the break-up of high profile hollywood marriages which were a boon for the trashy tabloid magazine industry and set entertainment blogs on fire with comments, snarkiness and speculation over why the divorces happen. From Demi-Ashton to Katy Perry-Russell Brand, we have been inundated with divorce news, sordid stories and he-said/she-saids.

I'm sure many of us plebians have wondered (when we have nothing better to think about) that "why do celebrities have a big circus show of a wedding, only to get very publicly divorced in 5 years or less?" It goes against my twisted, cynical heart, to even entertain the possibility that they married I'm going to go ahead and trash these celebrities and create a TOP 5 REASONS WHY CELEBRITIES DIVORCE????

5.) Its about money honey. I mean you were married to someone way richer than you, do you think that the poorer partner would remain content with just getting expensive cars, watches & holidays for presents? Hell, they want to not only have their own money, taken from their richer spouse as a divorce settlement, but find a new piece who will STILL treat them to all the expensive gifts & vacations they are used to.

4.) Apparently media scrutiny and attention can ruin a couple's privacy and ultimately their marriage. I blow a side eye to this excuse and say "whatever"..this is just said when celebrities cannot say that they simply got bored, as its not good for publicity. Really with the money and cachet these guys have, they can afford to live in privacy

3.) Boredom with marriage and screwing the same person for the rest of their days fills these frivolous entertainment-types with dread. I mean when they have the option of having so many well-done and juicy steaks, so why stick with a BigMac? Thus, a lot of showbiz marriages end in divorce, after a massive cheating scandal exposed, and free publicity galore!

2.) Any publicity is good publicity. Especially in these days when today's hot young star can become stale, fading & gone by tomorrow. So a divorce drama playing out in all manners of media for months on end, can definitely lead to one party winning public sympathy and thus dupe the public into spending their money on them. Or at the very least, at least people now know who they are and are talking about them & feeding the public's need for scandal & in point, a straggly haired, British "comedian" Russell Brand.

1.) Irreconcilable Differences...whatever the hell does this mean? It just tells me that these people threw in the towel too quick. 


mezba said...

Most of them get married for the wrong reasons and then drift apart. I think they genuinely get married when "in love" but they mistake "lust" for love (well, except the Kardashians but that's another topic).

Irreconcilable Differences = I caught you shagging someone else right after you caught me so let's just call it quits ...

White Tulip said...

@ Mezba: Lol! I loved your part of the irreconcilable differences! Yes, as cynical as I tend to be, I do think some of these celebrities genuinely marry for love. But then there are so many distractions and other "options" out there...that if a rough patch in the marriage happens, then these celebs will be walking out, instead of trying to fix the problems. Also, I think that most ordinary folks are deterred from divorce, because it is so expensive...but for those for whom money is not an object, I guess it is easier for them to consider divorce.